What does it take to win the Tour de France? Here is an estimated power data of Tadej Pogacar’s winning performance at Tour de France 2021, using both Strava and BestBikeSplit to maximize the precision of data.
Tadej attacked at Coll De Romme from the main bunch on favorites. The data are from the bottom of Coll De Romme to the KOM of Col De Colombiere, 22km long segment, highlighted in red (Col de la Collombière par col de Romme TDF 2021).
Here are the stats:
- Rider name: Tadej Pogacar
- Age 22
- Weight: 66kg
- Distance 22.09km
- 1 015m elevation
- Gradient 4.6% avg
- Speed 24.4km/h
- Duration 54min25s
- Est Power 373w (368w using Strava, 378w using BestBikeSplit)
- 5.65 w/kg
- Current estimated FTP 6 w/kg
Tadej’s performance of 5.65 w/kg for almost an hour is an incredible performance. Keep in mind that Tadej have already done 7 hard stages, and completed 110km before performing this effort.
Tadej is dominant in at least 3 aspects that were needed for this kind of performance. This includes the ability to recover from day to day, threshold power (based on this effort is estimated to be 400watts = 6 w/kg. FYI World-Class FTP starts at 5.8w/kg ), and high fatigue resistance (power drop-off after x time of riding).
About The Author: Jakub
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