Free Cycling Workout

Power Sprints Workout

This workout helps to develop explosive power from a slow speed. Good for attacking, sprints, standing starts, or on a climb.

power sprinting cycling workout free

Workout Description

This workout is focusing on fast, explosive power through big gear sprints

• Low/High RPM flats - a segment where you don't have to break or stop, with the following cadence :
#1st 8 min 55-65rpm - LOW
#2nd 8 min +105rpm- HIGH
recovery between 3-5min,

• 2 series of 4 x 15s sprints from 0km/h and big gear 53x, rear 13-15x, max effort/rest 2-3min between - out of the saddle, accelerate and hold it for 15 seconds

• rest of the ride endurance pace

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